Align with Your
Highest Potential

Vedic Astrology is the science of your own cosmic timing. You were born under & within a specific cosmic arrangement, which continues to influence your unique path as you move through time & space.

Flourish into your highest potential as you learn to align & co-create with the relevant energy of the moment.

  • Vedic Astrology, also known as ‘Jyotish Shastra’ and the science of light, is the science of YOUR cosmic timing.  At the time of your birth, there was a specific cosmic arrangement that your soul & birth (the physical manifestation of you) aligned with.  From that pivotal point onwards you have been moving through time & space, subject to certain planetary influences at certain times.   The ways these influences combine & the specific timing are unique to you, which is why we can often find ourself asking the question, why me, why not me, why now, why not now?  Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) has the answer to these questions, for your unique path.

    The influences of our planetary counterparts exist whether we're aware of them or not, just as the moon influences the tides whether or not we witness or pay attention to it.  With awareness, we can gain greater insight into our own cosmic timing - how our unique life path is unfolding and why, and most importantly, how to align with and co-create with the energy of the time to flourish into our highest potential.  If influences are creating challenge, receive Vedic remedies which can soften & offset that energy (such as specific kriya - breathwork techniques, specialised mantras or lifestyle recommendations).

    Through the lens of the intricate synergy of all the celestial bodies at play the time of birth, a profound understanding & insight into one's karmic challenges, dharma (life purpose), and aligned paths toward spiritual growth can be gained.

    By aligning with the cosmic flow, one can find greater acceptance for life’s challenges, deep clarity & take aligned action, leading to greater harmony, success, and fulfilment.

  • Western astrology is psychologically oriented, and what most people understand Western astrology to be is their sun sign and personality. While this can be interesting, what can be of greater value is gaining an understanding into the wider picture of the cosmic blueprint of all the celestial bodies at the time of your birth and their movement through space and time.

    The Dasha system of Vedic Astrology (planetary periods of influence) can give great insight into your season - the influences currently at play & what the higher value of this season is in your overall evolution, your life path/purpose (dharma), challenges (karma) and how to offset, or align with these influences, which forms the key focus of Vedic astrology.

    Additionally, the moon sign is given greater significance in Vedic Astrology. The sun’s placement will indicate the way in which you express externally, whereas the moon’s placement signifies the mind & emotions, therefore the way YOU experience the world, which can provide greater insight into your flavour and quality of experience, where you’ll find greatest flow & emotional balance.

    Vedic Astrology also uses a different calendar - Western astrology uses the tropical calendar and the four seasons, whereas Vedic Astrology uses the original sidereal system - the observable, changing constellations, which makes it highly accurate and you may find some of your planetary positions change as a result.

    Finally, Vedic Astrology also includes the ‘shadow’ planets known as Rahu and Ketu (or the north & south node) as having significant impacts in one’s life experience and the insight their timing lends can be profound.

    It’s a highly refined system & science which is at least 5000 years old.

  • A Vedic Astrology reading (held online) with Georgia is a comprehensive exploration of your life through the cosmic perspective.

    Here's what you can expect:

    • Detailed Birth Chart Analysis: An in-depth look at your planetary placements, offering insights into your personality, innate talents, potential challenges, their deeper purpose, how to rise into your highest expression & where you’ll find most flow & success.

    • Life Path and Karma: Clarity & empowerment in navigating your life's journey, including your career, relationships, and spiritual growth, along with insights into your key growth opportunities.

    • Your Season: A look at significant planetary influences, allowing you to align with the highest value of these influences.

    • Vedic Remedies: Personalised recommendations for kriya (breathwork), specialised mantras & other remedies to enhance positive effects or soften any challenging energy.

    • Personal Consultation: A session to discuss your chart and address any specific questions, ensuring you have clarity and direction.

  • Vedic Astrology is NOT - clairvoyance, scary predictions, telling you what to do, fatalistic, superstitious or a bypass for your own efforts.

    Georgia’s readings will uplift, inspire and empower.

  • Georgia uses Vedic Astrology as a tool for positive transformation, elevating and accelerating her clients toward their highest expression and potential, success & flow.

    Georgia brings a unique blend of precise expertise, deep spiritual knowledge & a finely tuned intuitive capacity cultivated over eight years of immersive study and self practice to her Vedic Astrology readings.

    Her experience and wisdom allow her to provide readings that are deeply clarifying, uplifting and empowering, helping individuals navigate their path with confidence.


Your Astrologer

Georgia is a trusted mentor & teacher of Vedic Meditation and the science and mechanics of consciousness with over 1500 clients globally.

She's been immersed in study of consciousness & Vedic sciences for 9 years and teaches grounded, integrated astrology with integrity as a tool to elevate you into your highest potential.

Join Georgia for a reading to gain deep clarity & profound insights into your cosmic timing & your unique astrological blueprint.