My Personal Use of Vedic Astrology to Find Ease, Flow & Success

My first Vedic Astrology reading in 2016 blew me away - the clarity of understanding me and my path in life (which I was only just discovering) that had been set out from birth.  The illumination of the subtleties I had felt inside about myself and my direction, but wasn't sure where or why they were there.  The confirmation of my felt sense was empowering.

Since then I have had a reading probably every 6 months.  At each stage it has served to clarify, and that clarity has allowed me to move forward fully following where I felt I needed to go, even when it diverted from what others may be doing/thinking.  It has allowed me to deepen my alignment and let go of any resistance, or lack of clarity.

I've been able to let go more rapidly at pivotal moments - post divorce, at the end of breakups, in particularly tough astrological transits where I had thoughts of 'is everything going wrong', 'is there a reason why I am in this situation that's beyond my mental understanding, because it doesn't seem to be making sense'. I've been able to gain a deeper insight into the finer mechanics of the scenario and either surrender more (resist less) and/or harness the higher value of the event/circumstance. 

It's also given me a sense of aligned timing - if we plant seeds in winter and expect them to grow, we will be disappointed.  Knowing what season you're in, what the aligned action is and when spring is to come can be highly valuable.  I've launched retreats & offerings to align with this timing for years.

It's for this reason that I've found it to be a wonderful tool to support and accelerate the path of expansion & evolution.  To more deeply understand your karmic challenges, your timeline and ultimate purpose (dharma).  The Vedic remedies that are given (breathwork, mantras etc) can provide great support & ease at times where the challenge cosmically is great.

I so look forward to sharing greater illumination with you as to your season & cosmic timing to best serve your pathway to fulfilling your potential.

Book a Reading here.


Timing Is Everything: The Science of FLOW