Vedic Astrology is not Clairvoyance.

Jyotish means the science of light.  It is designed to illuminate.  It should only ever bring light, illumination, upliftment and wisdom.  That is not to say that all jyotishis (or astrologers) will have that capacity, but the tradition in which I have trained puts a strong emphasis on this.  If the reading does not uplift and empower you, then it is not true jyotish.  Naturally, in these times, many many things have been diluted the further they move from the source and not all jyotishis have the same level of skill, training or deep understanding of the true purpose of jyotish.

What is it designed to illuminate? To bring light to?  Ultimately to YOU.  Your unique soul's journey.  The chart which reflects the cosmic influences at the moment of birth and initiates a cascade of effect that will unfold through space and time, is a reflection of YOU, at the highest level. 

This is not to say that the purpose of a jyotish reading is to tell you what is going to happen to you when.  That is not jyotish.  The value of jyotish is to illuminate what influences are strongest at particular times and what is the most relevant use of that influence, how can you maximise your potential & best meet the need of the time. Sometimes we are resisting it, out of habit, lack of knowledge, or we got used to a particular energy and have been slow to adjust to the next relevant phase of life.  If you are in a Sun Sasha (period of influence), there will be a lot of energy and drive, there may be a lot of heat.  You may not realise where that heat is coming from, but are finding yourself showing up as more heated in relationships or at work.  You may be resisting that dynamism, trying to relax and do very little and you'll feel conflicted & the energy cannot come forth in its highest expression and so you it's expressing as heat in the body or relationships.  Having this deeper insight via jyotish will do several things: 1) Allow you to harness the energy of the time for which it is most aligned, creating freedom and flow, 2) Offset the challenges or imbalances (via specific remedies given, both lifestyle and practice-related) to limit the imbalance as it's appearing.

Jyotish is all about aligning you with your highest potential.  Sometimes we are not aware of our highest potential, we have had a faint sense of something but ignored it.  Sometimes we are not paying attention to subtler impulses.  They are already there, because you are not separate from you, from your soul's path, from reality itself.  But, we get busy, we are stressed, we have certain fears and attachments which cause us tomiss certain opportunities and to create some suffering for ourselves in certain areas.  This can all come into alignment through jyotish.

Sometimes I hear that people are afraid to have a reading, because they're concerned they'll be told something which brings them into fear, or that they are impressionable and may take that to be truth and then start to head in that direction as a result of what they have been told.  This is not what Jyotish is, that is experience one might associate with clairvoyance.  Clairvoyance is totally relying upon the individual who is giving the session, so the outcome of the reading will also depend on what state of consciousness they are in, what is their intention, how much of themselves do they project into the session, what is their level of skill in their craft (which will be hard to detect as you have no personal reference for it) and what is their capacity to masterfully give information for the highest good.

In Jyotish, you'll simply have you, reflected back to you, at a deeper level with more clarity.  

So if this has been holding you back, I encourage you to try a session and experience the science of illumination.

Book a Reading here.


What is Vedic Astrology & what is its Value